Get data from meteo|Técnico

This is the oficial restful web service from meteo|Técnico


This site is an attempt to make available meteorological data produced by meteo|Técnico through a RESTful web service that uses HTTP requests to retrieve data. You can use curl, wget or another application to retrieve data. You can also get data from your browser.

See User Endpoints. Any abuse on API use will be subject to IP blocking.

User Endpoints

Test purpose
GET /api/test Retrieve data for test purpose
GET /api/test_auth_psw Retrieve data for test purpose (with basic authentication)
GET /api/test_auth_key?api-key=jg4myqQNjM_qh Retrieve data for test purpose (with api key)
Meteorological station (since 2023-03-08)* Check chart here
GET /api/obs/vars Retrieve list of available parameters
GET /api/obs Retrieve last available data, all parameters
GET /api/obs?vars=temp,rh,rad,pp Retrieve last available data, chosen parameters
GET /api/obs?type=all&start=2023-03-12&end=2023-03-14&output=csv Retrieve all data, between dates, all parameters, at csv output
GET /api/obs?type=all&start=2023-03-12&end=2023-03-14&vars=temp,ws&output=json Retrieve all data, between dates, chosen parameters, at json format
Forecast 3km spacial resolution **
GET /api/forecast Retrieve meteo data help
GET /api/forecast/vars Retrieve list of available parameters
GET /api/forecast/domain Retrieve available domain coordinates: [x1, y1, x2, y2]
GET /api/forecast?coord=-9.24,41.51&vars=t2 Retrieve temperature for lon=x1, lat=y1
GET /api/forecast?coord=-5.4,38.5,-4.9,38.9&vars=ws10 Retrieve wind speed for bounding box P1:x1,y1; P2:x2,y2
GET /api/forecast?coord=-9.24,41.51&vars=t2,ws10 Retrieve multiple parameters
GET*** /api/forecast/meteo?coord=-9.21,38.71 Retrieve meteogram

* For previous date, download db here.
** Need authentication.
*** Need special authorization. Contact us

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